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About CEC

Children's English Centre is a volunteer organisation that provides an authentic educational opportunities of English language fairly and equally to all primary school children by citizen's power and support. 


会費、寄付、人種・国籍を超えたボランティア精神あふれる人々の行動で支えられています。Children's English Centre is supported by membership fees, donations,  and the actions of people with a volunteer spirit beyond nationalities and races.  


Children's English Centre school is designed to
nurture the desire to learn so that children will learn English on their own for life. 




Children's English Centre trains children's English teachers and educators.


*It may not be internationally known, but one in seven children live in poverty in Japan. Many children don't have opportunities to learn English language. English has just become a compulsory subject in primary school in 2020, and there is already a big gap between students. Children from poor families are behind from other children in its skill and achievement. However CEC welcomes all primary students.  No distinction is made among children here in CEC. See more "Our Mission" below.  

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